Signal Chain

The station hardware collectively processes the analog signals received by the antena dipoles, resulting in either statistics (SST/BST/XST) or beamlets. This signal chain can be monitored as it flows through the hardware as follows:

RECV: Data reception

The RCU boards can receive input from three sources: an LBA, an HBA tile, and a signal or noise generator.

A typical station has rcu == 32 RCUs, each of which has antenna == 3 inputs.


  • recv.RCU_PWR_ANT_on_R[rcu][antenna] indicates whether each antenna is powered. If not, the RCU will emit zeroes if an LBA or HBA tile is attached.

  • recv.RCU_PWR_ANALOG_on_R[rcu] indicates whether the analog power is enabled to each RCU. If not, the RCU will emit zeroes if an LBA or HBA tile is attached.

  • recv.RCU_PWR_DIGITAL_on_R[rcu] indicates whether the digital power is enabled to each RCU. If not, the RCU will emit zeroes.


  • recv.RCU_band_select_R[rcu][antenna] indicates which band is selected for each antenna (1 = 10MHz, 2 = 30MHz), which affects its sensitivity.

  • recv.RCU_attenuator_dB_R[rcu][antenna] is the attenuation for each antenna, which affects its amplitude.

  • recv.RCU_DTH_ON_R[rcu][antenna] indicates whether the dither source is on, which affects the signal quality:

    • recv.RCU_DTH_freq_R[rcu][antenna] is the frequency of the dither source, in Hz.

SDP: Digital signal processing

The SDP can process three kinds of input: antenna data, generated waveforms, and no input, and process this into four kinds of output: beamlets, BSTs, SSTs, and XSTs.

A typical station has fpga == 16 FPGAs, each of which has input == 12 inputs.


  • sdp.FPGA_wg_enable_R[fpga][input], indicates whether waveforms are generated (True) or antenna input is used (False):

    • sdp.FPGA_wg_frequency_R[fpga][input] indicates the frequency of the generated wave,

    • sdp.FPGA_wg_amplitude_R[fpga][input] indicates the amplitude of the generated wave,

    • sdp.FPGA_wg_phase_R[fpga][input] indicates the phase of the generated wave.

  • sdp.FPGA_signal_input_mean_R[fpga][input] shows the input signal strength compared to full scale (FS) = 8192.

  • sdp.FPGA_signal_input_rms_R[fpga][input] shows the root means square of the input.

The signal input mean and rms behave as follows:



Signal Mean

Signal RMS




Waveform Generator

frequency = 0

amplitude * sin(phase)

amplitude * 8192 / √2

Waveform Generator

frequency > 0


amplitude * 8192 / √2


> 0

> 0


  • sdp.FPGA_processing_enable_R[fpga] indicates whether the FPGA processes its input. If not, zeroes are produced for all outputs.

  • sdp.FPGA_signal_input_samples_delay_R[fpga][input] indicates a per-input delay to be applied, in units of 5 ns. This results in a frequency-dependent phase change of the input.

  • sdp.FPGA_subband_weights_R[fpga][input * subband] indicates a per-subband and per-input weight factor. 8192 is unit weight, 0 means the input will be erased. Anything else results in a phase and/or amplitude change of the input.

SST output

  • sst.FPGA_sst_offload_enable_R indicates whether SSTs are emitted at all.

  • sst.nof_valid_payloads_R[fpga] is the number of packets received from each FPGA.

  • sst.sst_R[fpga * input][subband] is the amplitude of the signal over the configured integration interval:

    • sst.FPGA_sst_offload_weighted_subbands_R[fpga * input] indicates whether the sdp.FPGA_subband_weights_R are applied when calculating the SSTs,

    • sst.integration_interval_R[fpga * input] is the integration interval of the provided SSTs,

    • sst.sst_timestamp_R[fpga * input] is when the SSTs were received,

    • sst.last_packet_timestamp_R is when the last SST from any FPGA was received.

If the SSTs are not received, or filled with zeroes, see also I am not receiving any XSTs and/or SSTs from SDP!.

XST output

  • xst.FPGA_xst_offload_enable_R indicates whether XSTs are emitted at all.

  • xst.FPGA_xst_processing_enable_R indicates whether XSTs are computed. If not, zeroes are produced.

  • xst.nof_valid_payloads_R[fpga] is the number of packets received from each FPGA.

  • xst.xst_phase_R[fpga * input][fpga * input] is the phase angle between each pair of inputs, and is defined only for [a][b] with a <= b:

    • xst.FPGA_xst_subband_select_R[fpga][8] contains the subband for which to compute the XSTs. Currently, one subband is supported, which should be on index [fpga][1],

    • xst.FPGA_integration_interval_R[fpga] is the integration interval for the XSTs,

    • xst.xst_timestamp_R[136] is when the XSTs were received, per block (see below),

    • xst.last_packet_timestamp_R is when the last XST from any FPGA was received.

  • xst.xst_amplitude_R[fpga * input][fpga * input] is the correlated amplitude between two inputs, and is subject to the same restrictions as xst.xst_phase_R.

If the XSTs are not received at, or filled with zeroes, see also I am not receiving any XSTs and/or SSTs from SDP!.

Each block contains 12x12 XSTs, and are indexed in the same order baselines are, see on how to convert baseline indices to and from input pairs.